TSP Solver

Solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem

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TSP Solver is a program designed to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), which involves finding the optimal route for a traveling salesperson. TSP Solver is written in the Python programming language. TSP is a well-known combinatorial problem that seeks to find the shortest possible route for a salesperson to visit a specified number of cities and return to the starting point.

The Traveling Salesman Problem has broad applications in various fields, including transportation, logistics, manufacturing, and route optimization. Its origins can be traced back to the 18th century when it was first formulated by mathematicians and computer scientists. Since then, it has posed a challenge for many researchers and programmers who strive to find efficient algorithms and solutions.

TSP Solver is a tool that can be utilized in various industries and applications where optimizing a traveler's route is necessary. Using this program, it is possible to find efficient solutions for the Traveling Salesman Problem and improve the performance and efficiency of different processes and activities that require energy and time savings in manufacturing, transportation, and more. For example, it can help reduce production costs by determining the most efficient model for drilling holes in printed circuit boards or other objects.

  • The program offers a variety of useful features.  
  • The program can find routes quickly, even for a large number of points.
  • The program will be useful for every traveler, for companies where the production process saves time and costs in the shortest route of the production procedure.

Download TSP Solver

You can download the installation of the TSP Solver program in the ENG version using the link below . Follow the instructions of the installer.

For the operating system: Windows
Version: 1.0.1 (Update: acceleration of nearest neighbor computation methods, addition of new methods, new settings). 
Version: 1.0.2 (update: addition of method LKH 3.0.10, addition of TSP Art module, image-to-points conversion ...).

In the manual, you will find detailed information on how to use TSP Solver, whether for travel in conjunction with Google Maps or for production purposes. 

User guide - TSP Solver.pdf
Demo version - without entering a license: :
  • Creating points, calculations up to 15 points
  • Exporting the route as an image
  • Changing graphic settings
  • Testing calculation methods up to 5000 points
  • TSP Art up to 10,000 points (image-to-points conversion and subsequently calculating and plotting the path)

Basic license

The basic license provides all the features of the TSP Solver program. The only limitation is for calculations involving created or imported points, ranging from 2 to 500 points. The basic license is suitable for obtaining the shortest route, primarily for travel purposes (transportation), as the limit of 500 points is sufficient for these purposes.  

PRICE: 9,- Eur

Basic license
  • Create points
  • Import points from .txt file
  • Calculate up to 500 points
  • Export routes
  • Import and export images
  • Modify graphic setting
  • Utilize the coordinate graph function, route zooming, graph export
  • Save and open ongoing project
  • Generate random points with subsequent calculations
  • TSP Art (generating artistic images)

Professional license

The Professional license provides all the features of the TSP Solver program. The Professional license is suitable for companies in the transportation and industrial sectors. The utilization of TSP Solver is primarily in the optimization of production processes, specifically by finding the optimal route for machines.

PRICE: 29,- Eur  

Profesionál  licencia
  • Create points
  • Import points from .txt file
  • Calculation for an unlimited number of points
  • Export routes
  • Import and export images
  • Modify graphic setting
  • Utilize the coordinate graph function, route zooming, graph export
  • Save and open ongoing project
  • Generate random points with subsequent calculations
  • TSP Art (generating artistic images)

Integration of TSP Solver with Google Maps

The procedure for utilizing TSP Solver to find a specific route using Google Maps is thoroughly outlined in the TSP Solver user manual (see the reference to the manual above). In simplicity, first, we import all the points (coordinates obtained from Google Maps), then perform the calculation in TSP Solver and export the route to a text file. Subsequently, in a step-by-step manner, we copy the exported text file's point sequence into the Google Maps route calculated by the TSP Solver program. The image provides an example of an entire route if one were to visit all major cities in Slovakia by car and on foot. The second example is from New York - by foot+ferry.

TSP Solver

TSP is an intuitive program that will certainly provide you with reduced transportation costs or significantly increased returns for the purchase of a license. For a production process, it will return 100% multiple times over. Of course, the optimal route also saves valuable time.

TSP Solver allows you to create truly interesting works of art through the TSP Art module. By using a Voronoi diagram, we convert any image into points, the number of which you can choose. The program then calculates the optimal path. In TSP Art, mathematics and art combine into one.